These statistics from Genworth, a leading long-term care insurance (LTCi) carrier, provide insights into the nature and complexion of LTCi claims:
If you missed Genworth’s webinar on their claims history over the past 38 years, here are some interesting facts:
- Youngest claimant: 27 years old
- Oldest claimant: 103 years old
- Longest claim: 19.6 years
- Most expensive claim (still ongoing): $1,300,000
- 71% of all claimants are females 29% of all claimants are male
- 51% went on claim due to dementia & cognitive issues
- 15% of all claims lasted more than 5 years
- Average length of claims, if on claim more than 1 year: 3.9 years
- 71% of claims started with home care 13% of claims started with assisted living facilities 16% of claims started with nursing homes
- 50% of claims lasted less than 1 year (conversely, 50% lasted more than 1 year)
- The reason claims closed: 61% death 28% Recovery 11% exhausted benefits
- Average age of claimant: 79
- Who goes on claim? 38% Single women 28% Married Women 10% Single men 24% Married men
- Most expensive claims: Dementia & Parkinson’s
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