I’ve been writing a lot lately on the devastating (and often silent) effects of Brain Loss that often strike in our later years. The Journals of Gerontology published the results of a study on age-related brain changes and how these changes can leave the subject vulnerable to financial exploitation. According to their findings, “Approximately 1 in 20 adults can be expected to experience some form of financial exploitation past the age of 60, an incidence rate eclipsing many age-related diseases.” This financial exploitation is a result of impaired financial judgment. Which brings us to the final years of the life of Penny Marshall.
Penny Marshall Was Unprotected
Beloved actress and director, Penny Marshall, died in 2018, from complications from diabetes. It is also known that she had a bout with lung cancer which ultimately metastasized in her brain. Fortunately, both the lung and brain cancer went into remission after 2 years of treatment.
In a recent interview, Anjelica Huston shared about her friendship with Marshall, describing the peculiar way the director spent her nights. “Her rooms were freezing. Like air-conditioned, way up. She stayed up all night, followed QVC for beanbag dolls and stuff. She had this collection of sports memorabilia. She had a sort of museum in her basement full of signed baseballs and Lakers shirts. I just couldn’t relate. And also, frankly, she took a lot of coke.”
It became too much for Huston and she stopped visiting her friend.
Who Will Watch Out For You?
Penny Marshall’s final years contains some indications of erratic spending habits and other unusual behavior. There were no controls in place to protect her from herself or to ensure that she was receiving the best possible medical care to properly manage her diabetes.
I will continue to beat the drum, reminding you how important it is to have a clear plan in place that provides for your care and protects your interests. It may be difficult to acknowledge your future need for assistance, but denying the liklihood doesn’t improve your odds. In fact, it actually increases your risk.
The time to make these plans is NOW, while you are still thinking clearly. Penny Marshall failed to plan and, by default, planned to fail.
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Hi Honey,
This is Cristina – remember me and my father from the Nuremberg-Budapest Viking cruise?
Well, lots of changes since we last saw each other… long story! Would like to catch up with you. I’m in Houston now; I saw that you moved to FL! Nevertheless would like to chat.
Thanks & regards,